Conversion number between peck (imperial) [pk] and tablespoon (US customary) [tbsp (US)] is 614.88636185849. This means, that peck (imperial) is bigger unit than tablespoon (US customary).
Switch to reverse conversion:
from tablespoon (US customary) to peck (imperial) conversion
[pk] |
Result in tablespoon (US customary)
?If conversion between peck (imperial) to cubic-metre and cubic-metre to tablespoon (US customary) is exactly definied, high precision conversion from peck (imperial) to tablespoon (US customary) is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
peck (imperial)Start value: | [peck (imperial)] |
Step size | [peck (imperial)] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
peck (imperial) | tablespoon (US customary) |
0 | 0 |
10 | 6148.8636185849 |
20 | 12297.72723717 |
30 | 18446.590855755 |
40 | 24595.454474339 |
50 | 30744.318092924 |
60 | 36893.181711509 |
70 | 43042.045330094 |
80 | 49190.908948679 |
90 | 55339.772567264 |
100 | 61488.636185849 |
110 | 67637.499804433 |
Definition of peck (imperial) unit: ≡ 2 gal (imp). A peck is an imperial (and US customary) unit of dry volume equivalent to 2 imperial gallons = 9.09218×10−3 m³
Definition of tablespoon (US customary) unit: ≡ 1⁄2 US fl oz. The traditional US interpretation of the tablespoon as a unit of volume is 3 teaspoons or half US fluid ounce= 14.78676478125×10−6 m³
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