About conversion.org

Conversion.org is a user-friendly website, where you can easily and quickly convert units. There are a lot of conversion sites on internet, but with conversion.org I tried to give bigger precision, support for several input formats and more information about units.

Conversion between units is limited to double-floating point precision, but where it is possible, converted number can have precision of up to 800 decimal places! (if conversion between two units has exact definition, and not rounded number)

Site will be extended category-by-category.

If you find any error in conversion, please inform me, in most cases I will fix it in 1-2 business days! Error log is on separated page.

About me

My name is Igor Gaspar, Ph.D, I am a mechanical engineer and I work as a teacher and a researcher on Szent István University in Budapest, Hungary. I already built the Hungarian version of this site (atvaltas.hu), and I got a lot of positive feedback. So, that's the reason why I decide to create the English version too. I hope you will find it useful. Thanks for using conversion.org website.

Igor Gaspar Ph.D

I didn't get any support for this work, but conversion.org will always stay free for use, I will place few small ads, just to cover hosting and domain fees.

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Result: 3+10=


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