Conversion number between mile (telegraph) [mi] and link (Gunter's; Surveyor's) [lnk] is 9222.7272727273. This means, that mile (telegraph) is bigger unit than link (Gunter's; Surveyor's).
Switch to reverse conversion:
from link (Gunter's; Surveyor's) to mile (telegraph) conversion
[mi] |
Result in link (Gunter's; Surveyor's)
?If conversion between mile (telegraph) to metre and metre to link (Gunter's; Surveyor's) is exactly definied, high precision conversion from mile (telegraph) to link (Gunter's; Surveyor's) is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
mile (telegraph)Start value: | [mile (telegraph)] |
Step size | [mile (telegraph)] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
mile (telegraph) | link (Gunter's; Surveyor's) |
0 | 0 |
10 | 92227.272727273 |
20 | 184454.54545455 |
30 | 276681.81818182 |
40 | 368909.09090909 |
50 | 461136.36363636 |
60 | 553363.63636364 |
70 | 645590.90909091 |
80 | 737818.18181818 |
90 | 830045.45454545 |
100 | 922272.72727273 |
110 | 1014500 |
Definition of mile (telegraph) unit: ≡ 6087 ft . of chiefly historical interest
Definition of link (Gunter's; Surveyor's) unit: ≡ 1⁄100 ch ≡ 0.66 ft (US) ≡ 7.92 in .
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