Radians per day

Radians per day is frequency unit, symbol: [rad/day]. Definition of 1 radians per day = Hz/(2 × π × 86400). Radians per day is the unit of angular velocity used for very slow rotation speeds. From this, we can calculate the number of rotations per day. 1 Hertz = 1 / (2 π 86400). Compared to hertz, radians per day is smaller unit.

• 1 [rad/day] = `1.84207110060064*10^-06` [Hz]

• 1 [Hz] = `1/(1.84207110060064*10^-06)` [rad/day] = 542867.21054032 [rad/day]


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Convert radians per day to other units:

Multiply convert of radians per day to common frequency units:

=? hertz
=? kilohertz
=? megahertz
=? gigahertz
=? revolutions per second
=? revolutions per minute
=? revolutions per hour
=? radians per second
=? radians per minute


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See also: radian, plane angle measurement unit

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