Conversion number between wey (US) and barrel (US fluid) [fl bl (US)] is 11.821177764035. This means, that wey (US) is bigger unit than barrel (US fluid).
Switch to reverse conversion:
from barrel (US fluid) to wey (US) conversion
wey (US) |
Result in barrel (US fluid)
?If conversion between wey (US) to cubic-metre and cubic-metre to barrel (US fluid) is exactly definied, high precision conversion from wey (US) to barrel (US fluid) is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
wey (US)Start value: | [wey (US)] |
Step size | [wey (US)] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
wey (US) | barrel (US fluid) |
0 | 0 |
10 | 118.21177764035 |
20 | 236.4235552807 |
30 | 354.63533292105 |
40 | 472.8471105614 |
50 | 591.05888820175 |
60 | 709.27066584209 |
70 | 827.48244348244 |
80 | 945.69422112279 |
90 | 1063.9059987631 |
100 | 1182.1177764035 |
110 | 1300.3295540438 |
Definition of wey (US) unit: ≡ 40 bu (US lvl). As a measure of volume for dry commodities, it denoted roughly 40 US level bushels or 320 gallons = 1.4095628066752 m³
Definition of barrel (US fluid) unit: ≡ 31 1⁄2 gal (US). = 31.5×0.003785411784 = 0.119240471196 m³
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