Conversion number between sack (US) and dash (imperial) is 285751.73008714. This means, that sack (US) is bigger unit than dash (imperial).
Switch to reverse conversion:
from dash (imperial) to sack (US) conversion
sack (US) |
Result in dash (imperial)
?If conversion between sack (US) to cubic-metre and cubic-metre to dash (imperial) is exactly definied, high precision conversion from sack (US) to dash (imperial) is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
sack (US)Start value: | [sack (US)] |
Step size | [sack (US)] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
sack (US) | dash (imperial) |
0 | 0 |
10 | 2857517.3008714 |
20 | 5715034.6017429 |
30 | 8572551.9026143 |
40 | 11430069.203486 |
50 | 14287586.504357 |
60 | 17145103.805229 |
70 | 20002621.1061 |
80 | 22860138.406972 |
90 | 25717655.707843 |
100 | 28575173.008714 |
110 | 31432690.309586 |
Definition of sack (US) unit: ≡ 3 bu (US lvl). Sack is dry unit equivalent to 3 US level bushels = 0.10571721050064 m³
Definition of dash (imperial) unit: ≡ 1⁄384 gi (imp) = 1⁄2 pinch (imp). = 5 × 0.0000284130625 / 384 = 369.96175130208(3)×10−9 m³
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