Conversion number between picolitre [pL] and teaspoon (imperial) [tsp (imp)] is 1.689363826937 × 10-7. This means, that picolitre is smaller unit than teaspoon (imperial).
Switch to reverse conversion:
from teaspoon (imperial) to picolitre conversion
[pL] |
Result in teaspoon (imperial)
?If conversion between picolitre to cubic-metre and cubic-metre to teaspoon (imperial) is exactly definied, high precision conversion from picolitre to teaspoon (imperial) is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
picolitreStart value: | [picolitre] |
Step size | [picolitre] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
picolitre | teaspoon (imperial) |
0 | 0 |
10 | 1.689363826937 × 10-6 |
20 | 3.378727653874 × 10-6 |
30 | 5.068091480811 × 10-6 |
40 | 6.757455307748 × 10-6 |
50 | 8.446819134685 × 10-6 |
60 | 1.0136182961622 × 10-5 |
70 | 1.1825546788559 × 10-5 |
80 | 1.3514910615496 × 10-5 |
90 | 1.5204274442433 × 10-5 |
100 | 1.689363826937 × 10-5 |
110 | 1.8583002096307 × 10-5 |
Definition of picolitre unit: = 10-9 L. One picolitre is very small unit. 1 mL contains million picolitres.
Definition of teaspoon (imperial) unit: ≡ 1⁄24 gi (imp). Imperial teaspoon is volume unit (widely used in cooking recipes) equivalent with 1/24 of imperial gill = 5.91938802083×10−6 m³
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