Conversion number between cup (breakfast) and bushel (US dry heaped) [bu (US)] is 0.0064503546468044. This means, that cup (breakfast) is smaller unit than bushel (US dry heaped).
Switch to reverse conversion:
from bushel (US dry heaped) to cup (breakfast) conversion
cup (breakfast) |
Result in bushel (US dry heaped)
?If conversion between cup (breakfast) to cubic-metre and cubic-metre to bushel (US dry heaped) is exactly definied, high precision conversion from cup (breakfast) to bushel (US dry heaped) is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
cup (breakfast)Start value: | [cup (breakfast)] |
Step size | [cup (breakfast)] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
cup (breakfast) | bushel (US dry heaped) |
0 | 0 |
10 | 0.064503546468044 |
20 | 0.12900709293609 |
30 | 0.19351063940413 |
40 | 0.25801418587218 |
50 | 0.32251773234022 |
60 | 0.38702127880826 |
70 | 0.45152482527631 |
80 | 0.51602837174435 |
90 | 0.58053191821239 |
100 | 0.64503546468044 |
110 | 0.70953901114848 |
Definition of cup (breakfast) unit: ≡ 10 fl oz (imp). A unit of liquid volume, used in food recipes in Britain = 284.130625×10−6 m³
Definition of bushel (US dry heaped) unit: ≡ 1 1⁄4 bu (US lvl). = 1.25 × (2150.42×0.0254³) = 0.0440488377086 m³
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