Year (Gregorian) is time unit, symbol: [a, y, or yr]. Definition of 1 year (Gregorian) = 365.2425 d average. As the common year has 365 days, the Gregorian calendar with leap years compensate the deviation from the real, astronomical year. According to this calendar, every 4th year is a leap year, except for every 100th. But every 400th is a leap year. This means that there are 97 leap years in 400 year period. So according to Gregorian's calendar, one year has 365 + 97/400 days (average). This is not a perfect approach, but in 1000 year period, the defiation is only 0.3 days compared to the astronomical year. In the year 1582 Gregorian replaced the Julian calendar.. Compared to second, year (Gregorian) is bigger unit.
• 1 [a, y, or yr] = (exactly) `31556952` [s]
• 1 [s] = (exactly) `1/(31556952)` [a, y, or yr] = 3.1688738506811 × 10-8 [a, y, or yr]
Multiply convert of year (Gregorian) to common time units:
[a, y, or yr]Time units sort by name in ABC order
Evan M Manning, 1997, How Many Days Are in a Year?, page 2, table 1..