Conversion number between octaeteris and Metonic cycle; enneadecaeteris is 0.42103746397695. This means, that octaeteris is smaller unit than Metonic cycle; enneadecaeteris.
Switch to reverse conversion:
from Metonic cycle; enneadecaeteris to octaeteris conversion
octaeteris |
Result in Metonic cycle; enneadecaeteris
?If conversion between octaeteris to second and second to Metonic cycle; enneadecaeteris is exactly definied, high precision conversion from octaeteris to Metonic cycle; enneadecaeteris is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
octaeterisStart value: | [octaeteris] |
Step size | [octaeteris] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
octaeteris | Metonic cycle; enneadecaeteris |
0 | 0 |
10 | 4.2103746397695 |
20 | 8.4207492795389 |
30 | 12.631123919308 |
40 | 16.841498559078 |
50 | 21.051873198847 |
60 | 25.262247838617 |
70 | 29.472622478386 |
80 | 33.682997118156 |
90 | 37.893371757925 |
100 | 42.103746397695 |
110 | 46.314121037464 |
Definition of octaeteris unit: = 2922 d. In astronomy, an octaeteris is the period of eight solar years after which the moon phase occurs on the same day of the year plus one or two days. = 48 mo (full) + 48 mo (hollow) + 3 mo (full) = 8 a of 365.25 d = 2922 d = 252.4608 Ms
Definition of Metonic cycle; enneadecaeteris unit: ≡ 6940 d. For astronomy and calendar studies, the Metonic cycle or Enneadecaeteris is a period of very close to 19 years that is nearly a common multiple of the solar year and the synodic month. ≡ 110 mo (hollow) + 125 mo (full) = 6940 d ≈ 19 a = 599.616 Ms
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