Conversion number between minute [min] and Hipparchic cycle is 6.2542841846665 × 10-9. This means, that minute is smaller unit than Hipparchic cycle.
Switch to reverse conversion:
from Hipparchic cycle to minute conversion
[min] |
Result in Hipparchic cycle
?If conversion between minute to second and second to Hipparchic cycle is exactly definied, high precision conversion from minute to Hipparchic cycle is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
minuteStart value: | [minute] |
Step size | [minute] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
minute | Hipparchic cycle |
0 | 0 |
10 | 6.2542841846665 × 10-8 |
20 | 1.2508568369333 × 10-7 |
30 | 1.8762852553999 × 10-7 |
40 | 2.5017136738666 × 10-7 |
50 | 3.1271420923332 × 10-7 |
60 | 3.7525705107999 × 10-7 |
70 | 4.3779989292665 × 10-7 |
80 | 5.0034273477332 × 10-7 |
90 | 5.6288557661998 × 10-7 |
100 | 6.2542841846665 × 10-7 |
110 | 6.8797126031331 × 10-7 |
Definition of minute unit: ≡ 60 s. One minute is a time equal to rotation time of sweep (or second) hand at analog clock = 60 s
Definition of Hipparchic cycle unit: ≡ 4 Callippic cycles - 1 d. A lunar cycle noticed by Hipparchus. Eric Weisstein's World of Biography It consists of four Callipic cycles less a day, in which (4 × 27759 - 1) days are very nearly 3760 months, ≡ 9.593424 Gs
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