Conversion number between decade [dec] and year (Julian) [a, y, or yr] is 9.999794661191. This means, that decade is bigger unit than year (Julian).
Switch to reverse conversion:
from year (Julian) to decade conversion
[dec] |
Result in year (Julian)
?If conversion between decade to second and second to year (Julian) is exactly definied, high precision conversion from decade to year (Julian) is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
decadeStart value: | [decade] |
Step size | [decade] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
decade | year (Julian) |
0 | 0 |
10 | 99.99794661191 |
20 | 199.99589322382 |
30 | 299.99383983573 |
40 | 399.99178644764 |
50 | 499.98973305955 |
60 | 599.98767967146 |
70 | 699.98562628337 |
80 | 799.98357289528 |
90 | 899.98151950719 |
100 | 999.9794661191 |
110 | 1099.977412731 |
Definition of decade unit: ≡ 10 years (Gregorian). = 365.2425 × 10 × 86400 seconds
Definition of year (Julian) unit: = 365.25 d average. The basic calendar year has 365 days, but in fact the Earth needs a little more time around the sun. The Julian calendar compensated this with leap year (every fourth year had 366 days). According to the formula, a Julian year has 365 + 1/4 = 365.25 days. But even with this compensation, the astronomical year slip 0.78 days every 100 years into real seasons. Therefore, most countries have moved to the Gregorian calendar introduced in 1582.
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