Conversion number between atomic unit of time [au] and shake is 2.418884326509 × 10-9. This means, that atomic unit of time is smaller unit than shake.
Switch to reverse conversion:
from shake to atomic unit of time conversion
[au] |
Result in shake
?If conversion between atomic unit of time to second and second to shake is exactly definied, high precision conversion from atomic unit of time to shake is enabled.
Since definition contain rounded number(s) too, there is no sense for high precision calculation, but if you want, you can enable it. Keep in mind, that converted number will be inaccurate due this rounding error!
Start value: | [atomic unit of time] |
Step size | [atomic unit of time] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
atomic unit of time | shake |
0 | 0 |
10 | 2.418884326509 × 10-8 |
20 | 4.837768653018 × 10-8 |
30 | 7.256652979527 × 10-8 |
40 | 9.675537306036 × 10-8 |
50 | 1.2094421632545 × 10-7 |
60 | 1.4513305959054 × 10-7 |
70 | 1.6932190285563 × 10-7 |
80 | 1.9351074612072 × 10-7 |
90 | 2.1769958938581 × 10-7 |
100 | 2.418884326509 × 10-7 |
110 | 2.6607727591599 × 10-7 |
Definition of atomic unit of time unit: ≡ a0/(α·c). This is the smallest meaningful time unit under which an electron takes a circle on the first Bohr pitch divided by 2π.
Definition of shake unit: ≡ 10−8 s. A shake is an informal unit of time equal to 10 nanoseconds (ns), or 10−8 seconds. It has applications in nuclear physics, helping to conveniently express the timing of various events in a nuclear explosion.
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