Conversion number between horse speed and metre per second [m/s] is 16.90487394958. This means, that horse speed is bigger unit than metre per second.
Switch to reverse conversion:
from metre per second to horse speed conversion
horse speed |
Result in metre per second
?If conversion between horse speed to metre-per-second and metre-per-second to metre per second is exactly definied, high precision conversion from horse speed to metre per second is enabled.
Since definition contain rounded number(s) too, there is no sense for high precision calculation, but if you want, you can enable it. Keep in mind, that converted number will be inaccurate due this rounding error!
Start value: | [horse speed] |
Step size | [horse speed] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
horse speed | metre per second |
0 | 0 |
10 | 169.0487394958 |
20 | 338.0974789916 |
30 | 507.14621848739 |
40 | 676.19495798319 |
50 | 845.24369747899 |
60 | 1014.2924369748 |
70 | 1183.3411764706 |
80 | 1352.3899159664 |
90 | 1521.4386554622 |
100 | 1690.487394958 |
110 | 1859.5361344538 |
Definition of horse speed unit: ≈ 1½ miles in 2' 22.8". For the base of horse speed, I used the record for 1½ miles (2,414 m) which is 60.86 km/h (37.82 mph) by 3-year-old Hawkster at Santa Anita Park, Arcadia, California, USA on 14 October 1989 with a time of 2min 22.8sec.
Definition of metre per second unit: ≡ 1 m / 1 s. Derived SI unit, although in everyday life km/h or mph is a more common unit. How many metres a body moves in a second. The speed of a walking person is approx. 1.4 m/s.
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