Conversion number between furlong per fortnight [fur/fn] and inches per minute [ipm] is 0.39285714285714. This means, that furlong per fortnight is smaller unit than inches per minute.
Switch to reverse conversion:
from inches per minute to furlong per fortnight conversion
[fur/fn] |
Result in inches per minute
?If conversion between furlong per fortnight to metre-per-second and metre-per-second to inches per minute is exactly definied, high precision conversion from furlong per fortnight to inches per minute is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
furlong per fortnightStart value: | [furlong per fortnight] |
Step size | [furlong per fortnight] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
furlong per fortnight | inches per minute |
0 | 0 |
10 | 3.9285714285714 |
20 | 7.8571428571429 |
30 | 11.785714285714 |
40 | 15.714285714286 |
50 | 19.642857142857 |
60 | 23.571428571429 |
70 | 27.5 |
80 | 31.428571428571 |
90 | 35.357142857143 |
100 | 39.285714285714 |
110 | 43.214285714286 |
Definition of furlong per fortnight unit: ≡ (mi/8) / 14 days = 201.168 m / (14x86400 s). This is a kind of funny speed unit based on unusual length and time units. Furlong is equal to eighth of mile. Fortnight is 2 weeks time (= 14 days). Two quotients give the fur/fn speed.
Definition of inches per minute unit: ≡ 1 in / 60 s = 2.54 cm / 60 s. The speed with which the body moves 1 inch (or 2.54 centimetres) in 1 minute.
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