Conversion number between Decagram [dag] and
kip [kip] is 2.2046226218488 × 10-5 .
This means, that Decagram is smaller unit than kip.
Enter the number in Decagram :
eg. 1 whole and 2⁄3. Integers only, Denominator can not be zero!
eg. 2.123 x 10
-2 . The power must be an integer.
eg. 1+3.1*pi/4 (alowed operators:
+ - * / and
pi constant)
Calculation process of conversion value
1 Decagram = (exactly) `(0.01) / (453.59237)` = 2.2046226218488 × 10-5 kip 1 kip = (exactly) `(453.59237) / (0.01)` = 45359.237 Decagram ? Decagram × `(0.01 ("kg"/"Decagram")) / (453.59237 ("kg"/"kip"))` = ? kip
High precision conversion
If conversion between Decagram to kilogram and kilogram to kip is exactly definied, high precision conversion from Decagram to kip is enabled.
Decagram to kip conversion chart
Decagram kip 0 0
10 0.00022046226218488
20 0.00044092452436976
30 0.00066138678655463
40 0.00088184904873951
50 0.0011023113109244
60 0.0013227735731093
70 0.0015432358352941
80 0.001763698097479
90 0.0019841603596639
100 0.0022046226218488
110 0.0024250848840337
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Multiple conversion
Enter numbers in Decagram and click convert button.
One number per line.
Converted numbers in kip :
Click to select all
Details about Decagram and kip units:
Kip to other unit:
atomic mass unit, unified atomic unit of mass, electron rest mass bag (coffee) bag (Portland cement) barge carat carat (metric) Centigram clove crith dalton Decagram dram (apothecary; troy) dram (avoirdupois) gamma grain Gram grave Hectogram hundredweight (long) hundredweight (short); cental Kilogram mark Microgram Milligram mite mite (metric) Nanogram ounce (apothecary; troy) ounce (avoirdupois) ounce (US food nutrition labelling) pennyweight point pound (avoirdupois) pound (metric) pound (troy) quarter (imperial) quarter (informal) quarter, long (informal) quintal (metric) scruple (apothecary) sheet slug; geepound; hyl stone ton, assay (long) ton, assay (short) ton, long ton, short tonne wey
Definition of kip unit: ≡ 1000 lb av . A kip is a unit of force, uncommon, it is occasionally also considered a unit of weight, equal to 1000 pounds. =1000 x 0.45359237 kg
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