Conversion number between Centigram [cg] and pennyweight [dwt; pwt] is 0.0064301493137256. This means, that Centigram is smaller unit than pennyweight.
Switch to reverse conversion:
from pennyweight to Centigram conversion
[cg] |
Result in pennyweight
?If conversion between Centigram to kilogram and kilogram to pennyweight is exactly definied, high precision conversion from Centigram to pennyweight is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
CentigramStart value: | [Centigram] |
Step size | [Centigram] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
Centigram | pennyweight |
0 | 0 |
10 | 0.064301493137256 |
20 | 0.12860298627451 |
30 | 0.19290447941177 |
40 | 0.25720597254902 |
50 | 0.32150746568628 |
60 | 0.38580895882354 |
70 | 0.45011045196079 |
80 | 0.51441194509805 |
90 | 0.5787134382353 |
100 | 0.64301493137256 |
110 | 0.70731642450982 |
Definition of pennyweight unit: ≡ 1⁄20 oz t . = 1.55517384 g
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