shaku (Japan) to light-day conversion

Conversion number between shaku (Japan) and light-day is 1.1699077412954 × 10-14. This means, that shaku (Japan) is smaller unit than light-day.

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Switch to reverse conversion:
from light-day to shaku (Japan) conversion

Enter the number in shaku (Japan):

Decimal Fraction Exponential Expression
shaku (Japan)
eg.: 10.12345 or 1.123e5

Result in light-day

precision [info]

Calculation process of conversion value

High precision conversion

If conversion between shaku (Japan) to metre and metre to light-day is exactly definied, high precision conversion from shaku (Japan) to light-day is enabled.

Decimal places: (0-800)

shaku (Japan)
Result in light-day:

shaku (Japan) to light-day conversion chart

Start value: [shaku (Japan)]
Step size [shaku (Japan)]
How many lines? (max 100)

shaku (Japan)light-day
101.1699077412954 × 10-13
202.3398154825909 × 10-13
303.5097232238863 × 10-13
404.6796309651817 × 10-13
505.8495387064771 × 10-13
607.0194464477726 × 10-13
708.189354189068 × 10-13
809.3592619303634 × 10-13
901.0529169671659 × 10-12
1001.1699077412954 × 10-12
1101.286898515425 × 10-12
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Multiple conversion

Enter numbers in shaku (Japan) and click convert button.
One number per line.

Converted numbers in light-day:
Click to select all

Details about shaku (Japan) and light-day units:

Convert Shaku (Japan) to other unit:

shaku (Japan)

Definition of shaku (Japan) unit: ≡ 10/33 m .

Convert Light-day to other unit:


Definition of light-day unit: ≡ 24 light-hours .

← Back to Length units

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