Conversion number between decimetre [dm] and astronomical unit [AU] is 6.6845871222684 × 10-13. This means, that decimetre is smaller unit than astronomical unit.
Switch to reverse conversion:
from astronomical unit to decimetre conversion
[dm] |
Result in astronomical unit
?If conversion between decimetre to metre and metre to astronomical unit is exactly definied, high precision conversion from decimetre to astronomical unit is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
decimetreStart value: | [decimetre] |
Step size | [decimetre] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
decimetre | astronomical unit |
0 | 0 |
10 | 6.6845871222684 × 10-12 |
20 | 1.3369174244537 × 10-11 |
30 | 2.0053761366805 × 10-11 |
40 | 2.6738348489074 × 10-11 |
50 | 3.3422935611342 × 10-11 |
60 | 4.0107522733611 × 10-11 |
70 | 4.6792109855879 × 10-11 |
80 | 5.3476696978148 × 10-11 |
90 | 6.0161284100416 × 10-11 |
100 | 6.6845871222684 × 10-11 |
110 | 7.3530458344953 × 10-11 |
Definition of astronomical unit unit: ≡ 149597870700 m. ≈ Distance from Earth to Sun
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