Conversion number between section and square kilometre [km²] is 2.589988110336. This means, that section is bigger unit than square kilometre.
Switch to reverse conversion:
from square kilometre to section conversion
section |
Result in square kilometre
?If conversion between section to square-metre and square-metre to square kilometre is exactly definied, high precision conversion from section to square kilometre is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
sectionStart value: | [section] |
Step size | [section] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
section | square kilometre |
0 | 0 |
10 | 25.89988110336 |
20 | 51.79976220672 |
30 | 77.69964331008 |
40 | 103.59952441344 |
50 | 129.4994055168 |
60 | 155.39928662016 |
70 | 181.29916772352 |
80 | 207.19904882688 |
90 | 233.09892993024 |
100 | 258.9988110336 |
110 | 284.89869213696 |
Definition of section unit: ≡ 1 mi × 1 mi. Area equal with 1 mile by 1 mile square = 1609.344² = 2.589988110336×106 m²
Definition of square kilometre unit: = 1km x 1km.
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