Conversion number between teaspoon (metric) [tsp (metric)] and pint (US dry) [pt (US dry)] is 0.0090808298426886. This means, that teaspoon (metric) is smaller unit than pint (US dry).
Switch to reverse conversion:
from pint (US dry) to teaspoon (metric) conversion
[tsp (metric)] |
Result in pint (US dry)
?If conversion between teaspoon (metric) to cubic-metre and cubic-metre to pint (US dry) is exactly definied, high precision conversion from teaspoon (metric) to pint (US dry) is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
teaspoon (metric)Start value: | [teaspoon (metric)] |
Step size | [teaspoon (metric)] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
teaspoon (metric) | pint (US dry) |
0 | 0 |
10 | 0.090808298426886 |
20 | 0.18161659685377 |
30 | 0.27242489528066 |
40 | 0.36323319370754 |
50 | 0.45404149213443 |
60 | 0.54484979056131 |
70 | 0.6356580889882 |
80 | 0.72646638741508 |
90 | 0.81727468584197 |
100 | 0.90808298426886 |
110 | 0.99889128269574 |
Definition of teaspoon (metric) unit: ≡ 5 ml. Metric teaspoon is exactly 5 mL = 5.0×10−6 m³
Definition of pint (US dry) unit: ≡ 1⁄64 bu (US lvl) ≡ 1⁄8 gal (US dry). US dry pint is unit of volume equal to one-eighth of an US dry gallon = 550.6104713575×10−6 m³
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