pinch (imperial) to wey (US) conversion

Conversion number between pinch (imperial) and wey (US) is 5.2493120498083 × 10-7. This means, that pinch (imperial) is smaller unit than wey (US).

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Switch to reverse conversion:
from wey (US) to pinch (imperial) conversion

Enter the number in pinch (imperial):

Decimal Fraction Exponential Expression
pinch (imperial)
eg.: 10.12345 or 1.123e5

Result in wey (US)

precision [info]

Calculation process of conversion value

High precision conversion

If conversion between pinch (imperial) to cubic-metre and cubic-metre to wey (US) is exactly definied, high precision conversion from pinch (imperial) to wey (US) is enabled.

Decimal places: (0-800)

pinch (imperial)
Result in wey (US):

pinch (imperial) to wey (US) conversion chart

Start value: [pinch (imperial)]
Step size [pinch (imperial)]
How many lines? (max 100)

pinch (imperial)wey (US)
105.2493120498083 × 10-6
201.0498624099617 × 10-5
301.5747936149425 × 10-5
402.0997248199233 × 10-5
502.6246560249041 × 10-5
603.149587229885 × 10-5
703.6745184348658 × 10-5
804.1994496398466 × 10-5
904.7243808448274 × 10-5
1005.2493120498083 × 10-5
1105.7742432547891 × 10-5
Copy to Excel

Multiple conversion

Enter numbers in pinch (imperial) and click convert button.
One number per line.

Converted numbers in wey (US):
Click to select all

Details about pinch (imperial) and wey (US) units:

Convert Pinch (imperial) to other unit:

pinch (imperial)

Definition of pinch (imperial) unit: ≡  1⁄192 gi (imp) = 1/16 tsp (imp). Imperial pinch is a kitchen volume unit used to dose salt, sugar, spice = 739.92350260416×10−9

Convert Wey (US) to other unit:

wey (US)

Definition of wey (US) unit: ≡ 40 bu (US lvl). As a measure of volume for dry commodities, it denoted roughly 40 US level bushels or 320 gallons = 1.4095628066752 m³

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