Wey (US)

Wey (US) is volume unit. Definition of 1 wey (US) ≡ 40 bu (US lvl). As a measure of volume for dry commodities, it denoted roughly 40 US level bushels or 320 gallons = 1.4095628066752 m³. Compared to cubic metre, wey (US) is bigger unit.

• 1 wey (US) = (exactly) `1.4095628066752` [m³]

• 1 [m³] = (exactly) `1/(1.4095628066752)` wey (US) = 0.70943983146004 wey (US)


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Convert wey (US) to other units:

Multiply convert of wey (US) to common volume units:

wey (US)
=? cubic centimetre
=? millilitre
=? decilitre
=? litre
=? hectolitre
=? cubic foot
=? cubic inch
=? cubic metre
=? gallon (imperial)
=? gallon (US fluid; Wine)
=? ounce (fluid imperial)
=? ounce (fluid US customary)
=? tablespoon (imperial)
=? tablespoon (metric)
=? tablespoon (US customary)
=? teaspoon (imperial)
=? teaspoon (metric)
=? teaspoon (US customary)


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Source or more info

Cardarelli, F. (2003). Encyclopaedia of Scientific Units, Weights and Measures. Their SI Equivalences and Origins. London: Springer. p. 23. ISBN 978-1-4471-1122-1

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