dash (imperial) to last conversion

Conversion number between dash (imperial) and last is 1.2715657552083 × 10-7. This means, that dash (imperial) is smaller unit than last.

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from last to dash (imperial) conversion

Enter the number in dash (imperial):

Decimal Fraction Exponential Expression
dash (imperial)
eg.: 10.12345 or 1.123e5

Result in last

precision [info]

Calculation process of conversion value

High precision conversion

If conversion between dash (imperial) to cubic-metre and cubic-metre to last is exactly definied, high precision conversion from dash (imperial) to last is enabled.

Decimal places: (0-800)

dash (imperial)
Result in last:

dash (imperial) to last conversion chart

Start value: [dash (imperial)]
Step size [dash (imperial)]
How many lines? (max 100)

dash (imperial)last
101.2715657552083 × 10-6
202.5431315104167 × 10-6
303.814697265625 × 10-6
405.0862630208333 × 10-6
506.3578287760417 × 10-6
607.62939453125 × 10-6
708.9009602864583 × 10-6
801.0172526041667 × 10-5
901.1444091796875 × 10-5
1001.2715657552083 × 10-5
1101.3987223307292 × 10-5
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Multiple conversion

Enter numbers in dash (imperial) and click convert button.
One number per line.

Converted numbers in last:
Click to select all

Details about dash (imperial) and last units:

Convert Dash (imperial) to other unit:

dash (imperial)

Definition of dash (imperial) unit: ≡  1⁄384 gi (imp) =  1⁄2 pinch (imp). = 5 × 0.0000284130625 / 384 = 369.96175130208(3)×10−9

Convert Last to other unit:


Definition of last unit: ≡ 80 bu (imp). The last was a large English unit of volume. It referred to standardized amounts of ships lading and varied by commodity and over time = 2.9094976 m³

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