Conversion number between bushel (imperial) [bu (imp)] and pony is 1639.696964956. This means, that bushel (imperial) is bigger unit than pony.
Switch to reverse conversion:
from pony to bushel (imperial) conversion
[bu (imp)] |
Result in pony
?If conversion between bushel (imperial) to cubic-metre and cubic-metre to pony is exactly definied, high precision conversion from bushel (imperial) to pony is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
bushel (imperial)Start value: | [bushel (imperial)] |
Step size | [bushel (imperial)] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
bushel (imperial) | pony |
0 | 0 |
10 | 16396.96964956 |
20 | 32793.939299119 |
30 | 49190.908948679 |
40 | 65587.878598238 |
50 | 81984.848247798 |
60 | 98381.817897358 |
70 | 114778.78754692 |
80 | 131175.75719648 |
90 | 147572.72684604 |
100 | 163969.6964956 |
110 | 180366.66614516 |
Definition of bushel (imperial) unit: ≡ 8 gal (imp). An imperial bushel was unit of weight or mass based upon an earlier measure of dry capacity. = 0.03636872 m³
Definition of pony unit: ≡ 3⁄4 US fl oz. According to Encyclopædia Britannica Almanac 2009, a pony is 0.75 fluid ounces of liquor = 22.180147171875×10−6 m³
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