Conversion number between board-foot [fbm] and ton (water) is 0.0023172750963701. This means, that board-foot is smaller unit than ton (water).
Switch to reverse conversion:
from ton (water) to board-foot conversion
[fbm] |
Result in ton (water)
?If conversion between board-foot to cubic-metre and cubic-metre to ton (water) is exactly definied, high precision conversion from board-foot to ton (water) is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
board-footStart value: | [board-foot] |
Step size | [board-foot] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
board-foot | ton (water) |
0 | 0 |
10 | 0.023172750963701 |
20 | 0.046345501927402 |
30 | 0.069518252891103 |
40 | 0.092691003854804 |
50 | 0.1158637548185 |
60 | 0.13903650578221 |
70 | 0.16220925674591 |
80 | 0.18538200770961 |
90 | 0.20855475867331 |
100 | 0.23172750963701 |
110 | 0.25490026060071 |
Definition of board-foot unit: ≡ 144 cu in. The board-foot is volume unit of lumber in the United States and Canada.
Definition of ton (water) unit: ≡ 28 bu (imp). The water ton is used chiefly in Great Britain, in statistics dealing with petroleum products, and is defined as 224 imperial gallons = 1.01832416 m³
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