Conversion number between Kilogram [kg] and pound (avoirdupois) [lb av] is 2.2046226218488. This means, that Kilogram is bigger unit than pound (avoirdupois).
Switch to reverse conversion:
from pound (avoirdupois) to Kilogram conversion
[kg] |
Result in pound (avoirdupois)
?If conversion between Kilogram to kilogram and kilogram to pound (avoirdupois) is exactly definied, high precision conversion from Kilogram to pound (avoirdupois) is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
KilogramStart value: | [Kilogram] |
Step size | [Kilogram] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
Kilogram | pound (avoirdupois) |
0 | 0 |
10 | 22.046226218488 |
20 | 44.092452436976 |
30 | 66.138678655463 |
40 | 88.184904873951 |
50 | 110.23113109244 |
60 | 132.27735731093 |
70 | 154.32358352941 |
80 | 176.3698097479 |
90 | 198.41603596639 |
100 | 220.46226218488 |
110 | 242.50848840337 |
Definition of Kilogram unit: ≡ 1 kg. SI base unit. Mass of the prototype near Paris (≈ mass of 1 L of water)
Definition of pound (avoirdupois) unit: ≡ 0.45359237 kg = 7000 grains . By definition, 1 lb av ≡ exactly 0.45359237 kg
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