Conversion number between x unit; siegbahn [xu] and point (Didot; European) [pt] is 2.665586 × 10-10. This means, that x unit; siegbahn is smaller unit than point (Didot; European).
Switch to reverse conversion:
from point (Didot; European) to x unit; siegbahn conversion
[xu] |
Result in point (Didot; European)
?If conversion between x unit; siegbahn to metre and metre to point (Didot; European) is exactly definied, high precision conversion from x unit; siegbahn to point (Didot; European) is enabled.
Since definition contain rounded number(s) too, there is no sense for high precision calculation, but if you want, you can enable it. Keep in mind, that converted number will be inaccurate due this rounding error!
Start value: | [x unit; siegbahn] |
Step size | [x unit; siegbahn] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
x unit; siegbahn | point (Didot; European) |
0 | 0 |
10 | 2.665586 × 10-9 |
20 | 5.331172 × 10-9 |
30 | 7.996758 × 10-9 |
40 | 1.0662344 × 10-8 |
50 | 1.332793 × 10-8 |
60 | 1.5993516 × 10-8 |
70 | 1.8659102 × 10-8 |
80 | 2.1324688 × 10-8 |
90 | 2.3990274 × 10-8 |
100 | 2.665586 × 10-8 |
110 | 2.9321446 × 10-8 |
Definition of x unit; siegbahn unit: ≈ 1.0021x10-13.
Definition of point (Didot; European) unit: ≡ 5⁄133 cm . Defined after 1878 as 5/133 cm ≈ 0.00037593985 m
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