micron to rod; pole; perch conversion

Conversion number between micron [µ] and rod; pole; perch [rd] is 1.9883878151595 × 10-7. This means, that micron is smaller unit than rod; pole; perch.

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Switch to reverse conversion:
from rod; pole; perch to micron conversion

Enter the number in micron:

Decimal Fraction Exponential Expression
eg.: 10.12345 or 1.123e5

Result in rod; pole; perch

precision [info]

Calculation process of conversion value

High precision conversion

If conversion between micron to metre and metre to rod; pole; perch is exactly definied, high precision conversion from micron to rod; pole; perch is enabled.

Decimal places: (0-800)

Result in rod; pole; perch:

micron to rod; pole; perch conversion chart

Start value: [micron]
Step size [micron]
How many lines? (max 100)

micronrod; pole; perch
101.9883878151595 × 10-6
203.9767756303189 × 10-6
305.9651634454784 × 10-6
407.9535512606379 × 10-6
509.9419390757973 × 10-6
601.1930326890957 × 10-5
701.3918714706116 × 10-5
801.5907102521276 × 10-5
901.7895490336435 × 10-5
1001.9883878151595 × 10-5
1102.1872265966754 × 10-5
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Multiple conversion

Enter numbers in micron and click convert button.
One number per line.

Converted numbers in rod; pole; perch:
Click to select all

Details about micron and rod; pole; perch units:

Convert Micron to other unit:


Definition of micron unit: ≡ 1×10−6 m. Old name for micrometre

Convert Rod; pole; perch to other unit:

rod; pole; perch

Definition of rod; pole; perch unit: ≡  16 1⁄2 ft . of chiefly historical interest

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