Conversion number between line [ln] and furlong [fur] is 1.0521885521886 × 10-5. This means, that line is smaller unit than furlong.
Switch to reverse conversion:
from furlong to line conversion
[ln] |
Result in furlong
?If conversion between line to metre and metre to furlong is exactly definied, high precision conversion from line to furlong is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
lineStart value: | [line] |
Step size | [line] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
line | furlong |
0 | 0 |
10 | 0.00010521885521886 |
20 | 0.00021043771043771 |
30 | 0.00031565656565657 |
40 | 0.00042087542087542 |
50 | 0.00052609427609428 |
60 | 0.00063131313131313 |
70 | 0.00073653198653199 |
80 | 0.00084175084175084 |
90 | 0.0009469696969697 |
100 | 0.0010521885521886 |
110 | 0.0011574074074074 |
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