light-year to mile (US Survey) conversion

Conversion number between light-year [ly] and mile (US Survey) [mi] is 5878613615932.9. This means, that light-year is bigger unit than mile (US Survey).

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Switch to reverse conversion:
from mile (US Survey) to light-year conversion

Enter the number in light-year:

Decimal Fraction Exponential Expression
eg.: 10.12345 or 1.123e5

Result in mile (US Survey)

precision [info]

Calculation process of conversion value

High precision conversion

If conversion between light-year to metre and metre to mile (US Survey) is exactly definied, high precision conversion from light-year to mile (US Survey) is enabled.

Decimal places: (0-800)

Result in mile (US Survey):

light-year to mile (US Survey) conversion chart

Start value: [light-year]
Step size [light-year]
How many lines? (max 100)

light-yearmile (US Survey)
201.1757227231866 × 10+14
301.7635840847799 × 10+14
402.3514454463731 × 10+14
502.9393068079664 × 10+14
603.5271681695597 × 10+14
704.115029531153 × 10+14
804.7028908927463 × 10+14
905.2907522543396 × 10+14
1005.8786136159329 × 10+14
1106.4664749775261 × 10+14
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Multiple conversion

Enter numbers in light-year and click convert button.
One number per line.

Converted numbers in mile (US Survey):
Click to select all

Details about light-year and mile (US Survey) units:

Convert Light-year to other unit:


Definition of light-year unit: ≡ Distance light travels in vacuum in 365.25 days.

Convert Mile (US Survey) to other unit:

mile (US Survey)

Definition of mile (US Survey) unit: ≡ 5280 US Survey feet ≡ (5280 ×  1200⁄3937) m .

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