Conversion number between township and square chain [sq ch] is 23.040092160276. This means, that township is bigger unit than square chain.
Switch to reverse conversion:
from square chain to township conversion
township |
Result in square chain
?If conversion between township to square-metre and square-metre to square chain is exactly definied, high precision conversion from township to square chain is enabled.
Decimal places: (0-800)
townshipStart value: | [township] |
Step size | [township] |
How many lines? | (max 100) |
township | square chain |
0 | 0 |
10 | 230.40092160276 |
20 | 460.80184320553 |
30 | 691.20276480829 |
40 | 921.60368641106 |
50 | 1152.0046080138 |
60 | 1382.4055296166 |
70 | 1612.8064512194 |
80 | 1843.2073728221 |
90 | 2073.6082944249 |
100 | 2304.0092160276 |
110 | 2534.4101376304 |
Definition of township unit: ≡ 36 sq mi (US). Township area unit was used by the United States Public Land Survey System, refers to a square unit of land, that is nominally six (U.S. Survey) miles =36 × (6336000 / 3937)² ≈ 9.323994×107 m²
Definition of square chain unit: ≡ 66 ft × 66 ft = 1⁄10 ac. ≡ (66 × 0.3048)² = 404.68564224 m²
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