square decimetre to township conversion

Conversion number between square decimetre [dm²] and township is 1.0725017059315 × 10-10. This means, that square decimetre is smaller unit than township.

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from township to square decimetre conversion

Enter the number in square decimetre:

Decimal Fraction Exponential Expression
eg.: 10.12345 or 1.123e5

Result in township

precision [info]

Calculation process of conversion value

High precision conversion

If conversion between square decimetre to square-metre and square-metre to township is exactly definied, high precision conversion from square decimetre to township is enabled.

Decimal places: (0-800)

square decimetre
Result in township:

square decimetre to township conversion chart

Start value: [square decimetre]
Step size [square decimetre]
How many lines? (max 100)

square decimetretownship
101.0725017059315 × 10-9
202.1450034118631 × 10-9
303.2175051177946 × 10-9
404.2900068237262 × 10-9
505.3625085296577 × 10-9
606.4350102355893 × 10-9
707.5075119415208 × 10-9
808.5800136474524 × 10-9
909.6525153533839 × 10-9
1001.0725017059315 × 10-8
1101.1797518765247 × 10-8
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Multiple conversion

Enter numbers in square decimetre and click convert button.
One number per line.

Converted numbers in township:
Click to select all

Details about square decimetre and township units:

Convert Square decimetre to other unit:

square decimetre

Definition of square decimetre unit: = 1 dm x 1 dm. Area equal with 1 decimetre by 1 decimetre square.

Convert Township to other unit:


Definition of township unit: ≡ 36 sq mi (US). Township area unit was used by the United States Public Land Survey System, refers to a square unit of land, that is nominally six (U.S. Survey) miles =36 × (6336000 / 3937)² ≈ 9.323994×107 m²

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